Friday, March 19, 2010

HOLLY SNEATH, "Vessels, Pompeii", pastel, #11

Holly Sneath began her studies at the DVSA with an Associate Degree. She then went on to receive her undergraduate degree at the University of Waterloo and her M.F.A. at the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Holly has taught at Cornell and currently serves on the faculty of DVSA.

Working largely in pastel and acrylic for the past few years, her subjects vary from the abstract to the figurative.

Artist’s Statement:

 “Painting is a conscious attempt to unravel, through visualization and introspection the essential elements of significance to one’s life... I try to catch a glimpse beneath my own veneer of consciousness from which to construct a personal hypothesis of reality. One can only hope that the resulting work might resonate with the viewer.